Tuesday, 5 July 2016


By Dennis Rugiri

Just as it was everyone’s wish to get 400 marks and above in KCPE and score an A in KCSE, it’s still everyone’s desire to get a First Class in campus. This is everyone’s desire when joining the university but as time goes by most students lose their dreams and settle for anything else .This happens because of the following major reasons:
1 Misleading information they get from the continuing students.
As first years report to campus, they promise their parents they will go back home with a First Class honors. This changes immediately they start interacting with continuing students. They are told that lecturers never mark cats or exams, how “mwakenya” is the only way of passing difficult courses and many other false myths. This makes the first years to not see the need for serious studying.
2 Peer influence
When you are surrounded by friends who are enemies with the Margret Thatcher Library, he or she is bound to loathe her too. It’s easy to see a comrade from the countryside wasting his/her life at the drinking dens in the company of a minister’s son for instance. Having fun once in a while is not bad but making a habit of it is suicidal
3 The “Mwakenya” thing
This is another contributor of failure as students concentrate more on ‘mwaks’ and fails to pay attention to the studies. A student wastes a whole night scribbling on that tiny piece of paper instead of reading and understanding the lecturers notes.

1 comment:

  1. this reminds me back in high school where in form 1 one could aspire to become a doctor and every other admired profession. in form 2 you slightly lower your aspiration to maybe a TEACHER, then in form 3, you just have many explanations about a career and you just can't confidently and cheerfully say even one. but now in form 4 no one is talking about it. here people are obsessed with marks and just striving to get a B(plain) and above.
    this is now where students find themselves admitted to pursue couses like SNE-(special needs education) and they atart running up and down wanting to change courses.
